The Jack Daniel's campaign was developed with the support of the Energy BBDO agency All the videos used in the activation were found on the internet, through social networks However, the allies of the whiskey brand were Phone Number Database charge of paying rights of use to all the original owners. Almost all companies have jumped on the trend of talking about the coronavirus. Especially through a campaign. Throughout Phone Number Database days, the original concepts were running out at a very high speed, so many companies have had no choice but to remain silent. Or, try to return to a concept that, at this point Phone Number Database seems to be even .
However, against all odds, some brands Phone Number Database were able to come out ahead. One of them is Jack Daniel's. The whiskey company also wanted to jump on the coronavirus trend with a campaign of encouragement for people who are Phone Number Database to their homes. At first, the concept sounds like something that has been done over and over again, because in fact it has been quite common among most companies. Not even the data that was created from various users' recording snippets is something really original in the market. However, the campaign manages to differentiate itself from other Phone Number Database identical concepts.
Throughout the video, Jack Daniel's shows how people are dealing with social distancing measures. But instead of focusing on the role his product has in this quarantine, he focuses on people. How, despite the difficulties, they still spend time together. And, of course, Phone Number Database toasting others through windows and screens. A life well lived: the flight of the Syrian video game developer What makes this campaign different? Again, there is absolutely nothing original about the Jack Daniel's activation. At the start Phone Number Database the pandemic, Guinness launched a similar message of solidarity with a campaign focused on suspending the parades at St. Patrick's.