on an environmental protection management information Brother cell phone list system. They converted the system's data into a process historian database from an Oracle based relational database. The database took up 90 percent of the systems hard disk. The Brother cell phone list system had been operational for three years. The database held a great amount of data and was based on a GIS system which stored GPS information, maps, locations, time Brother cell phone list stamps, spacial map information, and locations. The database also held a lot of information on the management of the environmental monitoring system.
The database was substituted with process historian Brother cell phone list database and through compression the process historian database cut down the storage space by 25 percent. The space the database occupied was reduced and the querying Brother cell phone list was much faster with the process historian database. Process Historian Databases compresses data through a multiple compression algorithm. The changes of industrial production process field data often has waveform laws. Only a small portion tags or variables change in value Brother cell phone list frequently. The values of the other tags change ery slowly, and users can allow accuracy of data loss within a certain range.
Data compression in process real-time/historical Brother cell phone list databases is a very important technology since it can save massive amounts of space and can aid in query speed. The CHANGE (0) Compression Algorithm is available for any type of variable compression. It only detects the time-out of compression and verifes the same value detection. It Brother cell phone list stores the value when a variable has changed. It does not store a variale if nothing has changed. For any kind of compression algorithm, the first step is to check the time and the quality Brother cell phone list stamp. The principle of dead banding compression algorithm is very simple.