It was the paradox of this election: Kast's "pinochetism" —along with her Last Database conservative positions in the field of sexual rights, LGBTI demands or feminism— appeared as more "transgressive" than Boric's program. That is why he called Last Database for the vote with the slogan "Dare": because today voting for him meant going against the current. It meant, in fact, demonstrating against the new common sense that was Last Database emerging in the heat of the feminist mobilizations and waves, of the movements against the pension fund administrators (AFP), for the recognition of indigenous peoples and in favor of the fight against climate.
Change and the "sacrifice zones". In the case of Boric, despite being the candidate of an Last Database alliance to the left of the Concertación, his program is far from radical. It is, rather, the expression of a project of Last Database social justice of the social democratic type in a country where, despite progress in terms of fighting poverty, unacceptable forms of social inequality —and ethnic and class hierarchies— persist alongside the Last Database commodification of social life.
On the other hand, despite the fact that Last Database Kast presented himself as a candidate of "order", everyone knew that the candidate from the right would have been a potentially destabilizing president, due to his certain confrontation with the Last Database Constitutional Convention in office, but also due to the foreseeable resistance on the streets. The "order" in a country that, as was seen in the campaign and in the high electoral participation, More than a radical, many on the left see Boric, 35, as too "yellow," the classic way of referring to Last Database reformist lefts. And a large part of its success in the second round was having been able to win the support of the Christian Democracy and the Socialist Party, including that of former president Michelle Bachelet, today the.