Putting progressivism before independence, as he has Last Database already shown in the Congress of Deputies. It is more difficult, on the other hand, to decipher the position of the ERC, which today governs Catalonia, with a much more variable Last Database behavior, if not erratic. His relationship with Yolanda Díaz is also not going through the best moment, as was evident in the Debate on the state of the nation, However, the formation of a broad front that encompasses the Last Database entire spectrum of the left, from the PSOE to Sumar, would not be enough by itself to predict which way the electoral balance may fall, which leads us to the third and last big question.
The ability of the left to build its own narrative. It is also an Last Database urgent task if we take into account the wear and tear that inflation is causing and to which energy restrictions can lead. A favorable climate that would open the doors to new simplistic explanations by Vox Last Database or important sectors of the PP that, when the time comes, Last Database will not hesitate to feed low passions with identity issues. To this is added the robust scaffolding of media, judicial and economic power that crosses and surrounds the Spanish right.
As revealed by recent audio leaks about the dirty war Last Database against Podemos in the years of the PP, and that will undoubtedly intensify its activity as that the elections are approaching, with the purpose of avoiding at all costs that a leftist pact is reissued Last Database in Spain. To dispute the discursive terrain to the right, the rhetoric of anti-fascism or the appeal to the fear that the extreme Last Database right enters the institutions will not be enough to attract demobilized sectors, and may even end up favoring the traditional right electorally,